Evelyn Gallego Featured on “The Dish on Health IT” Podcast

EMI Advisors CEO and Founder Evelyn Gallego, Program Manager of the Gravity Project, was featured on an episode of the “The Dish on Health IT” podcast with host Ken Kleinberg. Evelyn highlighted the value propositions for collecting social risk data, developing agreed-upon language and vocabulary for social determinants of health (SDOH), and issues related to consumer and patient privacy. SDOH are defined by the World Health Organization as the conditions into which we are born that effect our overall health.

During the discussion, Evelyn highlighted the Gravity Project’s mission and the progress of the project. The Gravity Project began in May 2019 with a goal of developing consensus-based standards for the interoperable exchange of SDOH data across health service systems. The project now has over 1,500 participants in the health and human services ecosystem.

To listen to the full podcast, click here: https://info.pocp.com/social_determinants_of_health_gravity_project


Evelyn Gallego Quoted in Forbes Magazine, “There’s Power In Cultivating A Diverse Community” Article